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Boundary-Spanning Documents in Online FLOSS Communities: Does One Size Fit All?. In Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46).
. (2013). floss documents to distribute.pdf (533.18 KB)Building a Corpus of Genre-Tagged Web Pages for an Information-Access Experiment. In Colloquium on Web Genres, Corpus Linguistics. Presented at the Colloquium on Web Genres, Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, UK.
. (2007). corpus.longabstract.revised.IV16.pdf (84.49 KB)Can document-genre metadata improve information access to large digital collections?. Library Trends, 52, 345–361.
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. (2005). Challenges in creating a taxonomy for genres of digital documents. In Proceedings of the ISKO Conference.
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. (2010). elischapter.pdf (360.7 KB)Introduction to the special issue: Genres of digital documents. Information, Technology & People, 18(2), 76–88.
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